Virtual Filesystem

Virtual Filesystem (VFS) is a subsystem which unifies all available filesystems into one big virtual filesystem. All filesystem operations are done through it. Different mounted filesystems are referenced with names, which are called mount-points or volumes.

VFS provides a set of file access functions (see File Operations) and a set of filesystem access functions (see Filesystem Operations). The file access functions can be used to open files on any filesystem, close open files, read and write open files, create new files and delete existing files.

The filesystem manipulation functions are used to mount filesystems into VFS, unmount filesystems, and get information about mounted filesystems (e.g. the amount of free space on a volume). A mechanism for forceful unmounting of all filesystems is also provided. This mechanism is needed when the system performs shutdown, to prevent filesystem corruption.

To be able to provide these services, VFS keeps track of mounted filesystems and open files. VFS is thread-safe and synchronizes all its own operations and data structures. However TFS, which is accessed through VFS, does not provide proper concurrent access, it simply allows only one operation at a time.

Return Values

All VFS operations return non-negative values as an indication of successful operation and negative values as failures. The return value VFS_OK is defined to be zero, and indicates success. The rest of the pre-defined return values are negative. The full list of is as follows:

The operation succeeded.
The requested operation is not supported and thus failed.
The parameters given to the called function were invalid and the operation failed.
The operation was attempted on a file which was not open and thus failed.
The requested file or directory does not exist.
The referenced filesystem or mount-point does not exist.
The operation failed because some internal limit was hit. Typically this limit is the maximum number of open files or the maximum number of mounted filesystems.
The operation couldn’t be performed because the resource was busy. (Filesystem unmounting was attempted when filesystem has open files, for example.)
Generic error, might be hardware related.
The VFS is not in use, probably because a forceful unmount has been requested by the system shutdown code.


VFS limits the length of strings in filesystem operations. Filesystem implementations and VFS file and filesystem access users must make sure to use these limits when interacting with VFS.

The maximum length of a filename is defined to be 15 characters plus one character for the end of string marker, i.e. VFS_NAME_LENGTH is set to 16.

The maximum path length, including the volume name (mount-point), possible absolute directory path and filename is defined to be 255 plus one character for the end of string marker, i.e. VFS_PATH_LENGTH is set to 256.

Internal Data Structures

VFS has two primary data structures: the table of all mounted filesystems and the table of open files.

The table of all filesystems, vfs_table, is structured as follows:

Type Name Description
sempahore_t * sem A binary semaphore used for exclusive access to the filesystems table.
vfs_entry_t[CONFIG_MAX_FILESYSTEMS] filesystems The filesystems table itself.

A vfs_entry_t itself has the following fields:

Type Name Description
fs_t * filesystem The filesystem driver for this mount-point. If NULL, this entry is unused.
char[VFS_NAME_LENGTH] mountpoint The name of this mount-point.

The table is initialized to contain only NULL filesystems. All access to this table must be protected by acquiring the semaphore used to lock the table (vfs_table.sem). New filesystems can be added to this table whenever there are free rows, but only filesystems with no open files can be removed from the table.

The table of open files (openfile_table) is structured as follows:

Type Name Description
semaphore_t * sem A binary semaphore used for exclusive access to this table.
openfile_entry_t[CONFIG_MAX_OPEN_FILES] files Table of open files.

The open files table is also protected by a semaphore (openfile_table.sem). Whenever the table is altered, this semaphore must be held.

An openfile_entry_t itself has the following fields:

Type Name Description
fs_t * filesystem The filesystem in which this open file is located. If NULL, this is a free entry.
int fileid A filesystem defined id for this open file. Every file in a filesystem must have a unique id. Ids do not need to be globally unique.
int seek_position The current seek position in the file.

If access to both tables is needed, the semaphore for vfs_table must be held before the openfile_table semaphore can be lowered. This convention is used to prevent deadlocks.

In addition to these, VFS uses two semaphores and two integer variables to track active filesystem operations. The first semaphore is vfs_op_sem, which is used as a lock to synchronize access to the three other variables. The second semaphore, vfs_unmount_sem, is used to signal pending unmount operations when the VFS becomes idle.

The initial value of vfs_op_sem is one and vfs_unmount_sem is initially zero. The integer vfs_ops is a zero initialized counter which indicates the number of active filesystem operations on any given moment. Finally, the boolean vfs_usable indicates whether VFS subsystem is in use. VFS is out of use before it has been initialized and it is turned out of use when a forceful unmount is started by the shutdown process.

VFS Operations

The virtual filesystem is initialized at the system bootup by calling the following function:

void vfs_init(void)
  • Initializes the virtual filesystem. This function is called before virtual memory is initialized.
  • Implementation:
    1. Create the semaphore vfs_table.sem (initial value 1) and the semaphore openfile_table.sem (initial value 1).
    2. Set all entries in both vfs_table and openfile_table to free.
    3. Create the semaphore vfs_op_sem (initial value 1) and the semaphore vfs_unmount_sem (initial value 0).
    4. Set the number of active operations (vfs_ops) to zero.
    5. Set the VFS usable flag (vfs_usable).

When the system is being shut down, the following function is called to unmount all filesystems:

void vfs_deinit(void)
  • Force unmounts on all filesystems. This function must be used only at system shutdown.
  • Sets VFS into unusable state and waits until all active filesystem operations have been completed. After that, unmounts all filesystems.
  • Implementation:
    1. Call semaphore_P on vfs_op_sem.
    2. Set VFS usable flag to false.
    3. If there are active operations (vfs_ops > 0): call semaphore_V on vfs_op_sem, wait for operations to complete by calling semaphore_P on vfs_unmount_sem, re-acquire the vfs_op_sem with a call to semaphore_P.
    4. Lock both data tables by calling semaphore_P on both vfs_table.sem and openfile_table.sem.
    5. Loop through all filesystems and unmount them.
    6. Release semaphores by calling semaphore_V on openfile_table.sem, vfs_table.sem and vfs_op_sem.

To maintain count on active filesystem operations and to wake up pending forceful unmount, the following two internal functions are used. The first one is always called before any filesystem operation is started and the latter when the operation has finished.

static int vfs_start_op(void)
  • Start a new VFS operation. A VFS operation is anything that touches a filesystem.
  • Returns VFS_OK if the operation can continue, or error (negative value) if the operation cannot be started (VFS is unusable). If the operation cannot continue, it should not later call vfs_end_op.
  • Implementation:
    1. Call semaphore_P on vfs_op_sem.
    2. If VFS is usable, increment vfs_ops by one.
    3. Call semaphore_V on vfs_op_sem.
    4. If VFS was usable, return VFS_OK, else return VFS_UNUSABLE.
static void vfs_end_op(void)
  • End a started VFS operation.
  • Implementation:
    1. Call semaphore_P on vfs_op_sem.
    2. Decrement vfs_ops by one.
    3. If VFS is not usable and the number of active operations is zero, wake up pending forceful unmount by calling semaphore_V on vfs_unmount sem.
    4. Call semaphore_V on vfs_op_sem.

File Operations

The primary function of the virtual filesystem is to provide unified access to all mounted filesystems. The filesystems are accessed through file operation functions.

Before a file can be read or written it must be opened by calling vfs_open:

openfile_t vfs_open(char *pathname)
  • Opens the file addressed by pathname. The name must include both the full pathname and the filename. (e.g. [root]shell.mips32)
  • Returns an open file identifier. Open file identifiers are non-negative integers. On error, negative value is returned.
  • Implementation:
    1. Call vfs_start_op. If an error is returned by it, return immediately with the error code VFS_UNUSABLE.
    2. Parse pathname into volume name and filename parts.
    3. If filename is not valid (too long, no mount point, etc.), call vfs_end_op and return with error code VFS_ERROR.
    4. Acquire locks to the filesystem table and the open file table.
    5. Find a free entry in the open file table. If no free entry is found (the table is full), free the locks, call vfs_end_op, and return with the error code VFS_LIMIT.
    6. Find the filesystem specified by the volume name part of the pathname in the filesystem table. If the volume is not found, return with the same procedure as for a full open file table, except that the error code is VFS_NO_SUCH_FS.
    7. Allocate the found free open file entry by setting its filesystem field.
    8. Free the filesystem and the open file table locks.
    9. Call the filesystem’s internal open function. If the return value indicates an error, lock the open file table, mark the entry free and free the lock. Call vfs_end_op and return the error given by the filesystem.
    10. Save the file identifier returned by the filesystem in the open file table.
    11. Set file’s seek position to zero (beginning of the file).
    12. Call vfs_end_op.
    13. Return the row number in the open file table as the open file identifier.

Open files must be properly closed. If a filesystem has open files, the filesystem cannot be unmounted except on shutdown where unmount is forced. The closing is done by calling vfs_close:

int vfs_close(openfile_t file)
  • Closes an open file file.
  • Returns VFS_OK (zero) on success, negative on error.
  • Implementation:
    1. Call vfs_start_op. If an error is returned by it, return immediately with the error code VFS_UNUSABLE.
    2. Lock the open file table.
    3. Verify that the given file is really open, otherwise, free the open file table lock and return VFS_INVALID_PARAMS.
    4. Call close on the actual filesystem for the file.
    5. Mark the entry in the open file table free.
    6. Free the open file table lock.
    7. Call vfs_end_op.
    8. Return the return value given by the filesystem when close was called.

The seek position within the file can be changed by calling:

int vfs_seek(openfile_t file, int seek position)
  • Seek the given open file to the given seek position.
  • The position is not verified to be within the file’s size and behavior on exceeding the current size of the file is filesystem dependent.
  • Returns VFS_OK on success, negative on error.
  • Implementation:
    1. Call vfs_start_op. If an error is returned by it, return immediately with the error code VFS_UNUSABLE.
    2. Lock the open file table.
    3. Verify that the given file is really open, otherwise, free the open file table lock and return VFS_INVALID_PARAMS.
    4. Set the new seek position in open file table.
    5. Free the open file table.
    6. Call vfs_end_op.
    7. Return VFS_OK.
int vfs_read(openfile_t file, void *buffer, int bufsize)
  • Reads at most bufsize bytes from the given file into the buffer. The read is started from the current seek position and the seek position is updated to match the new position in the file after the read.
  • Returns the number of bytes actually read. On most filesystems, the requested number of bytes is always read when available, but this behaviour is not guaranteed. At least one byte is always read, unless the end of file or error is encountered. Zero indicates the end of file and negative values are errors.
  • Implementation:
    1. Call vfs_start_op. If an error is returned by it, return immediately with the error code VFS_UNUSABLE.
    2. Verify that the given file is really open, otherwise return VFS_INVALID_PARAMS.
    3. Call the internal read function of the filesystem.
    4. Lock the open file table.
    5. Update the seek position in the open file table.
    6. Free the open file table.
    7. Call vfs_end_op.
    8. Return the value returned by the filesystem’s read.
int vfs_write(openfile_t file, void *buffer, int datasize)
  • Writes at most datasize bytes from the given buffer into the open file.
  • The write is started from the current seek position and the seek position is updated to match the new place in the file.
  • Returns the number of bytes written. All bytes are always written unless an unrecoverable error occurs (filesystem full, for example). Negative values are error conditions on which nothing was written.
  • Implementation:
    1. Call vfs_start_op. If an error is returned by it, return immediately with the error code VFS_UNUSABLE.
    2. Verify that the given file is really open, otherwise return VFS_INVALID_PARAMS.
    3. Call the internal write function of the filesystem.
    4. Lock the open file table.
    5. Update the seek position in the open file table.
    6. Free the open file table.
    7. Call vfs_end_op.
    8. Return the value returned by the filesystem’s write.

Files can be created and removed by the following two functions:

int vfs_create(char *pathname, int size)
  • Creates a new file with given pathname. The size of the file will be size. The pathname must include the mount-point (full name would be [root]shell.mips32, for example).
  • Returns VFS_OK on success, negative on error.
  • Implementation:
    1. Call vfs_start_op. If an error is returned by it, return immediately with the error code VFS_UNUSABLE.
    2. Parse the pathname into volume name and file name parts.
    3. If the pathname was badly formatted or too long, call vfs_end_op and return with the error code VFS_ERROR.
    4. Lock the filesystem table. (This is to prevent unmounting of the filesystem during the operation. Unlike read or write, we do not have an open file to guarantee that unmount does not happen.)
    5. Find the filesystem from the filesystem table. If it is not found, free the table, call vfs_end_op and return with the error code VFS_NO_SUCH_FS.
    6. Call the internal create function of the filesystem.
    7. Free the filesystem table.
    8. Call vfs_end_op.
    9. Return the value returned by the filesystem’s create.
int vfs_remove(char *pathname)
  • Removes the file with the given pathname. The pathname must include the mount-point (a full name would be [root]shell.mips32, for example).
  • Returns VFS_OK on success, negative on failure.
  • Implementation:
    1. Call vfs_start_op. If an error is returned by it, return immediately with the error code VFS_UNUSABLE.
    2. Parse the pathname into the volume name and file name parts.
    3. If the pathname was badly formatted or too long, call vfs_end_op and return with the error code VFS_ERROR.
    4. Lock the filesystem table. (This is to prevent unmounting of the filesystem during the operation. Unlike read or write, we do not have an open file to guarantee that unmount does not happen.)
    5. Find the filesystem from the filesystem table. If it is not found, free the filesystem table, call vfs end op and return with the error code VFS_NO_SUCH_FS.
    6. Call the internal remove function of the filesystem.
    7. Free the filesystem table by calling semaphore V on vfs table.sem.
    8. Call vfs_end_op.
    9. Return the value returned by the filesystem’s remove.

Filesystem Operations

In addition to providing an unified access to all filesystems, VFS also provides functions to mount and unmount filesystems. Filesystems are automatically mounted at boot time with the function vfs_mount_all, which is described below.

The file kudos/fs/filesystems.c contains a table of all available filesystem drivers. When an automatic mount is attempted, this table is traversed by the filesystems_try_all function to find a driver that matches the filesystem on the disk, if any.

void vfs_mount_all(void)
  • Mounts all filesystems found on all disks attached to the system. Tries all known filesystems until a match is found. If no match is found, prints a warning and ignores the disk in question.

  • Called in the system boot up sequence.

  • Implementation:

    1. For each disk in the system do the following steps:
    1. Get the device entry for the disk by calling device_get.
    2. Dig the generic block device entry from the device descriptor.
    3. Attempt to mount the filesystem on the disk by calling vfs_mount_fs with NULL as the volumename (see below).

To attach a filesystem manually either of the following two functions can be used. The first one probes all available filesystem drivers to initialize one on the given disk and the latter requires the filesystem driver to be pre-initialized.

int vfs_mount_fs(gbd_t *disk, char *volumename)
  • Mounts the given disk to the given mountpoint (volumename). volumename must be non-empty. The mount is performed by trying out all available filesystem drivers listed in the filesystems array in kudos/fs/fileystems.c. The first match (if any) is used as the filesystem driver for the disk.

  • If NULL is given as the volumename, the name returned by the filesystem driver is used as the mount-point.

  • Returns VFS_OK (zero) on success, negative on error (no matching filesystem driver or too many mounted filesystems).

  • Implementation:

    1. Try the init functions of all available filesystems in kudos/fs/filesystems.c by calling filesystems_try_all.
    2. If no matching filesystem driver was found, print warning and return the error code VFS_NO_SUCH_FS.
    3. If the volumename is NULL, use the name stored into fs_t->volume name by the filesystem driver.
    4. If the volumename is an empty string, unmount the filesystem driver from the disk and return VFS_INVALID_PARAMS.
    5. Call vfs_mount (see below) with the filesystem driver instance and volumename.
    6. If vfs_mount returned an error, unmount the filesystem driver from the disk and return the error code given by it.
    7. Return with VFS_OK.
int vfs_mount(fs_t *fs, char *name)
  • Mounts an initialized filesystem driver fs into the VFS mount-point name.
  • Returns VFS_OK on success, negative on error. Typical errors are VFS_LIMIT (too many mounted filesystems) and VFS-ERROR (mount-point was already in use).
  • Implementation:
    1. Call vfs_start_op. If an error is returned by it, return immediately with the error code VFS_UNUSABLE.
    2. Lock the filesystem table by calling semaphore_P on vfs_table.sem.
    3. Find a free entry on the filesystem table.
    4. If the table was full, free it by calling semaphore_V on vfs_table.sem, call vfs_end_op and return the error code VFS_LIMIT.
    5. Verify that the mount-point name is not in use. If it is, free the filesystem table by calling semaphore_V on vfs_table.sem, call vfs_end_op and return the error code VFS_ERROR.
    6. Set the mountpoint and fs fields in the filesystem table to match this mount.
    7. Free the filesystem table by calling semaphore_V on vfs_table.sem.
    8. Call vfs_end_op.
    9. Return VFS_OK.

To find out the amount of free space on given filesystem volume, the following function can be used:

int vfs_getfree (char *filesystem)
  • Finds out the number of free bytes on the given filesystem, identified by its mount-point name.

  • Returns the number of free bytes, negative values are errors.

  • Implementation:

    1. Call vfs_start_op. If an error is returned by it, return immediately with the error code VFS_UNUSABLE.
    2. Lock the filesystem table by calling semaphore_P on vfs_table.sem. (This is to prevent unmounting of the filesystem during the operation. Unlike read or write, we do not have an open file to guarantee that unmount does not happen.)
    3. Find the filesystem by its mount-point name filesystem.
    4. If the filesystem is not found, free the filesystem table by calling semaphore_V on vfs_table.sem, call vfs_end_op and return the error code VFS_NO_SUCH_FS.
    1. Call filesystem’s getfree function.
    2. Free the filesystem table by calling semaphore_V on vfs_table.sem
    3. Call vfs_end_op.
    4. Return the value returned by filesystem’s getfree function.