Built-in Drivers

KUDOS ships with several built-in working drivers. The drivers for the MIPS target are all designed to work with YAMS hardware. The purpose of this section is to show how one can create actual drivers for for the KUDOS device driver interface.


TTY roughly stands for “teletype”, and in this context refers to a class of drivers that provide a low-level interface for terminal-style user interaction. KUDOS comes with both a polling, and interrupt-driven TTY driver built-in. The former works by repeatedly polling the keyboard device, which can waste precious clock-cycles, while the latter relies on an interrupt handler to wake up the kernel thread when input from the keyboard actually becomes available.

Historically, TTY drivers also implement a line discipline, and the KUDOS TTY drivers are no exception.

Polling TTY Driver

Two separate drivers are provided for the TTY (the terminal). The first one is implemented by polling and the other with interrupt handlers.

Polling means that the kernel again and again asks the (virtual, in this case) hardware if anything new has come up. Depending on interrupt handlers means that the hardware signals the kernel when a change has occurred.

The polling driver is needed when booting up, since interrupts are disabled. It is also useful in kernel panic situations, because interrupt handlers might not be relied on in such error cases.

Perhaps the easiest way to use the polling TTY driver is using the built-in functions kwrite and kprintf (defined in kudos/lib/libc.h). See kudos/drivers/polltty.h and kudos/drivers/$ARCH/polltty.c for the implementation and documentation of the driver itself.

Interrupt-driven TTY Driver

The interrupt driven (i.e. the asynchronous) TTY driver is the terminal device driver used most of the kernel terminal I/O-routines. The terminal driver has two functions to provide output to the terminal and input to the kernel. Both of these happen asynchronously. i.e. the input handling is triggered when the user presses a key on the keyboard. The output handler is invoked when some part of the kernel requests a write. The asynchronous TTY driver is implemented in drivers/$ARCH/tty.c and implements the generic character device interface.

The following functions implement the TTY driver:

device_t *tty_init(io_descriptor_t *desc)

Initialize a driver for the TTY defined by desc. This function is called once for each TTY driver present in the YAMS virtual machine.


  1. Allocate memory for one device_t.
  2. Allocate memory for one gcd_t and set generic_device to point to it.
  3. Set gcd->device to point to the allocated device_t, gcd->write to tty_write and gcd->read to tty_read.
  4. Register the interrupt handler (tty_interrupt_handle).
  5. Allocate a structure that has (small) read and write buffers and head and count variables for them, and a spinlock to synchronize access to the structure and real_device to point to it. The first tty driver’s spinlock is shared with kprintf() (i.e. the first tty device is shared with polling TTY driver).
  6. Return a pointer to the allocated device_t.

void tty_interrupt_handle(device_t *device)

Handle interrupts concerning device. This function is never called directly from kernel code, instead it is invoked from interrupt handler.

Implementation if WIRQ (write interrupt request) is set:

  1. Acquire the driver spinlock.
  2. Issue the WIRQD into COMMAND (inhibits write interrupts).
  3. Issue the Reset WIRQ into COMMAND.
  4. While WBUSY is not set and there is data in the write buffer, Reset WIRQ and write a byte from the write buffer to DATA.
  5. Issue the WIRQE into COMMAND (enables write interrupts).
  6. If the buffer is empty, wake up the threads sleeping on the write buffer.
  7. Release the driver spinlock.

Implementation if RIRQ (read interrupt request) is set:

  1. Acquire the driver spinlock.
  2. Issue the Reset RIRQ command to COMMAND. If this caused an error, panic (serious hardware failure).
  3. Read from DATA to the read buffer while RAVAIL is set. Read all available data, even if the read buffer becomes filled (because the driver expects us to do this).
  4. Release the driver spinlock.
  5. Wake up all threads sleeping on the read buffer.

static int tty_write(gcd_t *gcd, void *buf, int len)

Write len bytes from buf to the TTY specified by gcd.


  1. Disable interrupts and acquire driver spinlock.
  2. As long as write buffer is not empty, sleep on it (release-reacquire for the spinlock).
  3. Fill the write buffer from buf.
  4. If WBUSY is not set, write one byte to the DATA port. (This is needed so that the write IRQ is raised. The interrupt handler will write the rest of the buffer.)
  5. If there is more than one byte of data to be written, release the spinlock and sleep on the write buffer.
  6. If there is more data in buf, repeat from step 3.
  7. Release spinlock and restore interrupt state.
  8. Return the number of bytes written.

static int tty_read(gcd_t *gcd, void *buf, int len)

Read at least one and at most len bytes into buf from the TTY specified by gcd.


  1. Disable interrupts and acquire driver spinlock.
  2. While there is no data in the read buffer, sleep on it (release-reacquire for the spinlock).
  3. Read MIN(len, data-in-readbuf) bytes into buf from the read buffer.
  4. Release spinlock and restore interrupt state.
  5. Return the number of bytes read.

Disk Driver

The disk driver implements the Generic Block Device (GBD) interface. The driver is interrupt-driven and provides both synchronous (blocking) and asynchronous (non-blocking) operating modes for request. The driver has three main parts:

  • An initialization function, which is called in startup when a disk is found.
  • An interrupt handler.
  • Functions which implement the GBD interface (read, write and information inquiring).

The disk driver maintains a queue of pending requests. The queue insertion is handled in disk scheduler, which currently just inserts new requests at the end of the queue. This queue, as well as access to the disk device, is protected by a spinlock. The spinlock and queue are stored in driver’s internal data. The internal data also contains a pointer to the currently served disk request.

The disk driver is implemented and documented in kudos/drivers/$ARCH/disk.c. Note how the fields modified by both the inquiring and interrupt-ready parts of the driver are marked as volatile, so that the compiler won’t optimize access to them (store them in registers and assume that value is valid later, which would be a flawed approach because of interrupts, which can change the values of the variables asynchronously).

Timer Driver

The Timer driver allows to set timer interrupts at certain intervals. The timer_set_ticks() C function works as a front-end for the _timer_set_ticks assembler function. The C function takes anumber of processor clock cycles after the timer interrupt is wanted to happen, and it passes it to the assembler function that does all work.

A timer interrupt is caused by using CP0 registers Count and Compare. The Count register contains the current cycle count, and the Compare register contains the cycle number where the timer interrupt is to happen. The assembler function simply adds the number of cycles to the current cycle count and writes it to the Compare register.

The timer driver is implemented and documented in kudos/drivers/timer.c and kudos/drivers/$ARCH/_timer.S.

Metadevice Drivers

“Metadevices” is a name for those devices documented in the YAMS documentation as non-peripheral devices (the 0x100 series). They don’t really interface to any specific device but rather to the system itself (the motherboard main chipset, firmware or similar). The metadevices and their drivers are very simple, and they are as follows.

See kudos/drivers/metadev.h and kudos/drivers/$ARCH/metadev.c for the implementation and description of the following metadevices.


The system memory information device provides information about the amount of memory present in the system.


The Real Time Clock (RTC) device provides simulated real time data, such as system uptime and clock speed. It is a wrapper to the RTC device I/O ports.


The (software) shutdown device is used to either halt the system by dropping to the YAMS console (firmware console) or “poweroff” the system by exiting YAMS completely.

CPU Status

Each processor has its own status device. These devices can be used to count the number of CPUs on the system or to generate interrupts on any CPU.


  1. Both kwrite and kprintf use the polling TTY driver. Why?