Low-Level Synchronization

KUDOS is designed to support multiple threads of execution. To avoid threads getting in the way of one another, KUDOS provides a number of low-level synchronization primitives. These can be used to demarcate a critical region, and ensure exclusive access to a kernel resource.

The low-level primitives can then be used in more advanced synchronization techniques.


KUDOS has a pre-emptive, round-robin scheduler. To prevent a thread from being pre-empted it is sufficient to disable interrupts. On a uniprocessor system, it is therefore sufficient to demarcate a critical section as follows:

  1. Include kudos/kernel/interrupt.h at the top of your file.
  2. Declare a variable of type interrupt_status_t.
  3. Set this variable to the return value of _interrupt_disable.
  4. Have your, preferably short-lived, critical section.
  5. Call _interrupt_set_state with the state stored above, i.e. restore the interrupt state.


KUDOS is designed to be a symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) system, which means that it supports multiple CPU cores, having each their own thread of execution, while sharing the same physical memory. This can lead to a whole new class of race conditions, where multiple concurrent threads access the same memory location at (what appears to be) exactly the same time.

A spinlock is the most basic, low-level synchronization primitive for multiprocessor systems. A spinlock is acquired by repeatedly checking the lock’s value until it is available (busy-waiting or “spinning”), and then setting the value to taken. This requires an atomic test-and-set or read-modify-write mechanism; the architecture specific details are covered below.

In KUDOS, a spinlock is implemented as a signed integer, having the following meanings:

Value Meaning
0 Free
Positive Taken
Negative Reserved for future use

To achieve low-level interprocessor synchronization, interrupts must be disabled and a spinlock must be acquired. This method must be used in interrupt handlers, otherwise other code may run before the interrupt is fully handled.

Attempting to acquire a spinlock with interrupts disabled completely ties up the processor (the processor enters a busy-wait loop). To ensure fair service, other processors should release their spinlocks, and do so as quickly as possible. Code regions protected by spinlocks should be kept as short as possible.

Spinlocks should not be moved around in memory, i.e. they cannot be memory managed by the virtual memory subsystem, and so must be statically allocated in kernel memory. This should not be a problem, as spinlocks are purely a kernel-level synchronization primitive.

x86_64 Exchange and test

The x86_64 architecture provides a instruction called xchg (exchange), which exchanges two values, either from a register to a register or from a register to a memory location. The instruction is always atomic, which means no other process/processor can do the same with the same memory location, at the same time.

This mechanism can be used to implement a spinlock. The first thing to do is to load the value 1 into a register, say rax. We can now use the instruction xchg to exchange the value of the spinlock with the value of the register rax. Remember the spinlock is free if it equals 0 and busy if it equals to 1. Either way the spinlock know have the value 1, since it just exchanged its value with a register that was 1. If the new value of the register rax equals 0, it means that the spinlock was free before and the spinlock is now acquired. If on the other it equals 1, then it means that it was busy, and we have to jump back and try again.

For an implementation of a spinlock for the x86_64 architecture, see kudos/kernel/x86_64/spinlock.S

Spinlock API

The low-level assembly routines implement the architecture-independent interface specified in kudos/kernel/spinlock.h. Recall that interrupts must always be disabled when a spinlock is held, otherwise Bad Things™ will happen.

void spinlock_reset(spinlock_t *slock)
Initializes the specified spinlock to be free. Should be done before any processor attempts to acquire the spinlock. This is really an alias to spinlock_release.
void spinlock_acquire(spinlock_t *slock)

Acquire specified spinlock; while waiting for lock to be free, spin.

  1. Set rax to 1.
  2. xchg the register rax and slock.
  3. Test if the value of rax is 0.
  4. If step 3 is False, go to step 2.
void spinlock_release(spinlock_t *slock)

Free the specified spinlock. This does not check whether the spinlock is actually held by the processor. In general, there is no way to check this, and so requires a strict programming practice: Spinlocks should only be “released” if acquired.

  1. Write 0 to slock.


  1. Do we need spinlocks on a uniprocessor system?
  2. Why must interrupts be disabled when acquiring and holding a spinlock? Consider the requirement that spinlocks should be held only for a very short time. Is the problem purely efficiency or will something actually break if a spinlock is held with interrupts enabled?