Advanced Synchronization

The low-level synchronization primitives, such as disabling interrupts and spinlocks, can be used to implement more advanced synchronization techniques. Kernel-level KUDOS supports sleep queues and semaphores.

Sleep Queue

As a spinlock busy-waits until the resource is free, it wastes clock-cycles. Another synchronization method, a sleep queue, allows a thread to register itself as waiting on a specific resource held by another thread, and then voluntarily give up the CPU to other threads until the resource is available. The resource is identified by an address in kernel memory, so that the same address is used by both the thread holding the resource, and the thread waiting on the resource. When the resource is released by the thread holding it, the state of the thread waiting on it is updated, so that it will be eligible to run again.


The sleep queue API is defined in kudos/kernel/sleepq.h, but should not be used frivolously. See the following section for notes on how to correctly use the sleep queue API.

void sleepq_init(void)

Initializes the internal sleep queue data structured. Must be called on boot.

void sleepq_add(void *resource)

Adds the currently running thread to the sleep queue, sleeping on the given resource. To maximize multithreading, threads should sleep on exactly the resource that they need (e.g. array element instead of en entire array).

The thread does not go to sleep when calling this function; its state is simply set to SLEEPING. An explicit call to thread_switch is needed. See the following section for details.

void sleepq_wake(void *resource)

Wakes the first thread waiting for the given resource from the queue. If no threads are waiting for the given resource, do nothing.

void sleepq_wake_all(void *resource)

As sleepq_wake, but wakes up all threads which are waiting on the given resource.

Using the Sleep Queue Correctly

There is much more to using the sleep queue than just using the sleep queue API (defined in kudos/kernel/sleepq.h). To wait on a resource, you will need a dedicated resource spinlock. For details about why all of the below steps are necessary, see the sleep queue implementation notes below.

Sleeping on a Resource

Disable interrupts
Acquire the resource spinlock
While we want to sleep :
  sleepq_add ( resource ) // Thread state set to SLEEPING
  Release the resource spinlock // Spinlock cannot be held when not on CPU
  thread_switch () // Voluntarily yield CPU to other threads
  Acquire the resource spinlock // Thread state must now be RUNNING
End While
Use the resource
Release the resource spinlock
Restore the interrupt mask

Disabling interrupts and acquiring the resource spinlock ensures that the thread will be in the sleep queue before another thread attempts to wake it. If another thread was run, which called sleepq_wake before the sleepq_add call was complete, then the resource may be free, but the first thread would still be waiting on it!

Awaking Threads Sleeping on a Resource

Disable interrupts
Acquire the resource spinlock
Use the resource
If wishing to wake up something
  sleepq_wake ( resource ) or sleepq_wake_all ( resource )
End If
Release the resource spinlock
Restore the interrupt mask


In KUDOS, the sleep queue is implemented as a statically-sized hashtable, sleepq_hashtable. This hashtable is intimately connected with the sleeps_on and next fields of the thread_table_t, which form part of the hashtable data structure. The hashtable itself is protected from concurrent access by multiple threads with a spinlock sleepq_slock. The implementation will acquire and release the thread_table_slock as it becomes necessary.

Interrupts must be disabled, and the sleepq_slock must be held, before any sleep queue operations are carried out. The user however, should merely disable interrupts, or better yet, follow the recipes given above.

Each entry in the hashtable corresponds to the hashed value of resource addresses; the same entry may correspond to multiple resources that hash to the same key. A value is a TID_t, corresponding to the thread_table_t of the first thread waiting on a resource with this key. The sleeps_on field of the thread_table_t is used to store the (non-hashed) address of the actual resource that the thread is waiting for – it is 0 if the thread is not waiting on any resource. This next field of the thread_table_t, contains the TID_t of the next thread waiting on a resource with this hash, if any. New threads are added to the end of this linked list, and threads are awoken from the beginning of the chain, to avoid potentially having to run through the whole list. Note that that as multiple resources will have the same hash, the first thread in the chain isn’t necessarily the one awoken.


An illustration of the sleep queue hashtable.

void sleepq_init(void)

Sets all hashtable values to -1 (free).

void sleepq_add(void *resource)

Adds the currently running thread into the sleep queue. The thread is added to the sleep queue hashtable. The thread does not go to sleep when calling this function; its state is simply set to SLEEPING. An explicit call to thread_switch is needed. The thread will sleep on the given resource address.


  1. Assert that interrupts are disabled. Interrupts need to be disabled because the thread holds a spinlock and because otherwise the thread can be put to sleep by the scheduler before it is actually ready to do so.
  2. Set the current thread’s sleeps on field to the resource.
  3. Lock the sleep queue structure.
  4. Add the thread to the queue’s end by hashing the address of given resource.
  5. Unlock the sleep queue structure.

void sleepq_wake(void *resource)

Wakes the first thread waiting for the given resource from the queue. If no threads are waiting for the given resource, do nothing.


  1. Disable interrupts.
  2. Lock the sleep queue structure.
  3. Find the first thread waiting for the given resource by hashing the resource address and walking through the chain.
  4. Remove the found thread from the sleep queue hashtable.
  5. Lock the thread table.
  6. Set sleeps on to zero on the found thread.
  7. If the thread is sleeping, add it to the scheduler’s ready list by calling scheduler add to ready list.
  8. Unlock the thread table.
  9. Unlock the sleep queue structure.
  10. Restore the interrupt mask.

void sleepq_wake_all(void *resource)

As sleepq_wake, but wakes up all threads which are waiting on the given resource.


Interrupt disabling, spinlocks and sleep queue provide the low level synchronization mechanisms in KUDOS. However, these methods have their limitations; they are cumbersome to use and thus error prone and they also require uninterrupted operations when doing processing on a locked resource. Semaphores are higher level synchronization mechanisms which solve these issues, and additionally can allow multiple units of a resource to be available to be accounted for. A semaphore can be thought of as a variable with an integer value. The resource protected by a binary semaphore can either be available (1), or locked (0, or a negative value indicating number of waiters). The counting semaphores implemented in KUDOS can have any value, with positive values indicating the number of units of a resource currently available. Three different operations are defined on a conceptual semaphore:

Initialization A semaphore may be initialized to any non-negative value indicating the number of concurrent accesses that may occur/units of resource available.

The P-operation (semaphore P()) decrements the value of the semaphore. If the value becomes negative, the calling thread will block by being added to the sleep queue waiting on this semaphore, until awakened by some other thread’s V-operation.

The V-operation (semaphore V()) increments the value of the semaphore. If the resulting value is not positive, one thread blocking in P-operation will be unblocked.


The KUDOS semaphores API is defined in kudos/kernel/semaphore.h.

semaphore_t *semaphore_create(int value)

Creates a new semaphore, by finding the first unused semaphore in semaphore table, and initializes its value to the specified value.


  1. Assert that the given value is non-negative.
  2. Disable interrupts.
  3. Acquire spinlock semaphore table slock.
  4. Find free semaphore in the semaphore table and set its creator to the current thread.
  5. Release the spinlock.
  6. Restore the interrupt status.
  7. Return NULL if no semaphores were available (in step 5).
  8. Set the initial value of the semaphore to value.
  9. Reset the semaphore spinlock.
  10. Return the allocated semaphore.

void semaphore_destroy(semaphore_t *sem)

Destroys the given semaphore sem, freeing its entry in the semaphore_table.

void semaphore V(semaphore_t *sem)

Increments the value of sem by one. If the value was originally negative (there are waiters), wakes up one waiter.


  1. Disable interrupts.
  2. Acquire sem‘s spinlock.
  3. Increment the value of sem by one.
  4. If the value was originally negative, wake up one thread from sleep queue which is sleeping on this semaphore.
  5. Release the spinlock.
  6. Restore the interrupt status.

void semaphore P(semaphore t *sem)

Decreases the value of sem by one. If the value becomes negative, block (sleep). Conceptually the value of the semaphore is never below zero, since this call returns only after the value is non-negative.


  1. Disable interrupts.
  2. Acquire sem‘s spinlock.
  3. Decrement the value of sem by one.
  4. If the value becomes negative, start add current thread to sleep queue, waiting on this semaphore, and simultaneously release the spinlock.
  5. Else, release the spinlock.
  6. Restore the interrupt status.


KUDOS semaphores are implemented in kudos/kernel/semaphore.h.

Semaphores are implemented as a static array of semaphore structures with the name semaphore table. When semaphores are ”created”, they are actually allocated from this table. A spin- lock semaphore table slock is used to prevent concurrent access to the semaphore table. A semaphore is defined by semaphore_t, which is a structure with three fields:

spinlock_t slock

Spinlock which must be held when accessing the semaphore data.

int value

The current value of the semaphore. If the value is negative, it indicates that thread(s) are waiting for the semaphore to be incremented. Conceptually the value of a semaphore is never below zero since calls from semaphore P() do not return while the value is negative.


The thread ID of the thread that created this semaphore. Negative value indicates that the semaphore is unallocated (not yet created). The creator information is useful for debugging purposes.


  1. Suppose you need to implement periodic wake-ups for threads. For example, threads can go to sleep and then they are waked up every time a timer interrupt occurs. In this case a resource spinlock is not needed to use the sleep queue. Why can the functions sleepq_add, sleepq_wake and sleepq_wake_all be called without holding a resource spinlock in this case?

  2. Some synchronization mechanisms may be used in both threads and interrupt handlers, some cannot. Which of the following functions can be called from a interrupt handler (why or why not?):

    1. interrupt disable()
    2. interrupt enable()
    3. spinlock acquire()
    4. spinlock release()
    5. sleepq add()
    6. sleepq wake()
    7. sleepq wake all()
    8. semaphore V()
    9. semaphore P()